
By using this website you accept the General Terms and Conditions for using the website of De Groot en Slot as they are stated below. You also declare that you will not hold De Groot en Slot, or any of its subsidiary companies, responsible or liable for information, recommendations and/or advices that are contained in this website.

General Terms and Conditions for using the De Groot en Slot website

  1. The website of De Groot en Slot is composed with the utmost care. However De Groot en Slot do not give any guarantee whatsoever, express or implied, that the information, which also but not solely includes variety descriptions and technical advices, contained in or referred to on this website is complete and accurate and suitable for the purpose the user of this website may give to it. De Groot en Slot, therefore, accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever for direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or punitive damage or lost profits resulting from the use of this website, unless it is a matter of gross guilt or intent on the part of De Groot en Slot. Furthermore, De Groot en Slot will not be liable for any damage whatsoever, resulting from inability to use this website.
  2. De Groot en Slot reserves the right to alter the content of this website, including these General Terms and Conditions for using the website of De Groot en Slot, in any way, at any time, for any reason without prior notification. De Groot en Slot will not be liable in any way for possible consequences of such changes. None other than De Groot en Slot is permitted to alter this website.
  3. This website may contain links or references to other websites. As De Groot en Slot does not supervise the contents of those third-party websites, De Groot en Slot will not accept any responsibility or liability for information originating, directly or indirectly, from third-party websites.
  4. This website may contain references to varieties that are not available in a certain country. Such references do not imply under any circumstances whatsoever that De Groot en Slot will, or has the intention to, sell that variety in that country.
  5. De Groot en Slot cannot be held responsible or liable for any direct or consequential damage to computer hardware and/or software resulting directly or indirectly from the use of this website.
  6. All offers, orders and agreements concerning sales and/or the supplying of seeds by De Groot en Slot, are subject to the Terms and Conditions of Sale of De Groot en Slot, which were deposited at the Chamber of Commerce in Alkmaar on 15th November 2016. The Terms and Conditions of Sale of De Groot en Slot will be sent to you on request. De Groot en Slot hereby explicitly declares that other terms and conditions are not applicable.
  7. The contents of this website, including all information and images, are protected by the copyright of De Groot en Slot, unless otherwise stated. No part of the contents of this website may be reproduced and/or published in any form by means of print, photocopy, microfilm, digital or otherwise, without prior written consent from De Groot en Slot.
  8. These General Terms and Conditions for using the De Groot en Slot website are subject to the laws of the Netherlands. All disputes will be settled by the Court of Law in Alkmaar.